Choose a graph type from the New Graph submenu (Graph menu).
Step 2
Select row numbers or a single column of data for the categoric axis in the New Graph dialog.
Step 3
Select row numbers and/or one or more columns of data for the value axis.
Step 4
To use an open data window other than the one displayed, choose its name from the Data Window pop-up menu.
Step 5
To use an open graph window other than the one displayed, choose its name from the Graph Window pop-up menu.
• To place the graph in a new graph window, choose New from the Graph Window pop-up menu.
Step 6
To apply a graph format other than the one displayed, choose its name from the Graph Format pop-up menu.
Step 7
In the Plot Range area, select the rows of data you want to plot in the graph.
Note: To plot data for a line graph in the order it is entered in the data window, turn off the Sort Points by X Values check box. (This option displayed for line graphs only.)